Privacy Policy

As a small, home-based business, I have tried to put this into transparent and digestible terms.

Cookies and the Collection of Statistical Data

*Please note that the continued use of my site, equates to your acceptance of the use of cookies.*

What are cookies? As with the vast majority of websites nowadays, my Poem Bespoke, WordPress website uses ‘cookies’ to collect pieces of statistical information from website users by embedding a ‘cookie’ (small data file), into a user’s PC or device, via their web browser. The cookies on my website, typically collect a user’s location (country, not street address!), and allows me to learn which of my web pages were viewed on a given day along with the referrer. This purely helps me improve my marketing, by working out which blog posts and pages get most views per say, but does not provide me with an individual’s name, home address, marital status, date of birth, favourite colour or similar personal information.

If you come to my site via my Google advert, further general information may be made available to me such as the age-range of site visitors and search terms used. Again, this information is collected automatically for my own statistical purposes, to improve my website marketing and enhance user experience. It does not relay specific information to me such as, my site was visited by Joanne Bloggs from 1, Happy Street, Bath. If you would like fuller details though, please refer to Google’s privacy policy.

To find out how my website host, ‘WordPress’ uses data collected from all of its WordPress hosted websites (such as this one), you can click here. Likewise, if you travel to another website, via a link from my site, you can opt to check out that site’s policy.

Your Personal Information including Contact Details

For the purpose of responding to enquiries and potentially completing your order, it is usual that we will directly email each other, and you may also provide me with your phone number and/or street address. I will never intentionally pass such information on to a third party, or in any way, sell on your information.

Though I make efforts to protect my software and hardware against viruses, regularly change passwords and do my utmost to avoid human error – please note that it is your responsibility to likewise ensure you take precautions for your own software and hardware and consider the information you disclose in online correspondence.  

At present, I do not operate a newsletter mailing list, so unless I deem that we have a continuing business relationship, I will delete our email correspondence along with your email address and/or phone number after a reasonable time period has lapsed, to ensure that no further follow-up correspondence is needed for your order – typically around three months after our last correspondence. Please note that I will typically keep a copy of completed poem orders ‘offline’ for a period of around six months (incase of any follow-up changes). If completed poems relate to a larger ‘project’ order – eg which constitute multiple wedding favour poems, then I will retain a copy of said poems ‘offline’ until after the event has taken place, to ensure I have a copy as a back-up to the client’s own, (to ensure against accidental loss and so on).

For tax purposes, I maintain ongoing ‘offline’ records of my orders, using customers’ initials – eg ‘DC’, as a reference.   

If you would like to know what contact or correspondence information I hold for you, you can email me at and I can remove it anytime, at your request.

That’s it folks – phew. Please note that from time to time, this policy will be updated accordingly.

Deborah Caine (Poem Bespoke), North Somerset, UK.